Category Archives: Education
Is There a Place for Machine Translation in Business?
Five years ago, the answer might have been “definitely no”. However, since then artificial intelligence has made significant inroads into business writing. You may be surprised to know how many articles machines generate on Huffington Post and Harvard Business Review.
Naturally, a human tidies them up afterwards, but the spadework is already done. Similar technology is evolving in the translation industry. Hence, it is best to understand the mix we require, before we contact a company specialized in document translation services.
Striking the Right Balance before Contacting a Translator
Human effort comes at a cost. If we can find a machine to do the heavy lifting, we save money and time. This is especially true for translation, because unlike original writing the content of the document is already set.
However, we do need to find a company specializing in document translation services with a thorough approach. This may mean comparing the original and translation line by line, as opposed to simply tidying up the latter. Here are a few examples of what I mean by this.
Product Descriptions for Internet Catalogues
E-Traders with hundreds of items are more interested in cost than exemplary grammar. Much of their content is there to meet Amazon/eBay requirements. Besides, shoppers are more likely to want to know what comparison sites say. Therefore, a tentative thumbs up for machine translation here.
Product Descriptions for High Tech Industries
However, if I were a nuclear power station operator to cite an extreme case, I would not recommend letting a machine loose on critical procedures. The words “must,” “should,” “may,” and “might” can be mission critical. Therefore, I would contact a company specialized in document translation services in this instance.
What about Marketing Copy and General Business Translation?
Yes, those are two good examples where a blend of machines and human translation provides the best mix. Any multinational corporate will see the sense of mass machine translation into multiple languages. However, I would ask a translator fluent in the destination language to cast an eye over the result and comment.
Things Are Seldom Black or White, Including in Translation
The third dimension to the decision is, of course, cost. I would love a Ferrari but I settle for a Toyota because it gets me there, albeit it at the loss of privilege. Professional translators understand the cost dilemma and always do their best to find the right balance.
Hence I recommend you contact a company specialized in document translation services that understands the potential, and the limitations of machine translation.
How Teachers Benefit from Travelling to Different Places
There are different ways to improve as a teacher. It is in your best interest to keep looking for opportunities whenever possible. It is not just about you, but also about the students you are teaching. One of the best ways for you to improve is by joining an expedition. It might not seem like the first idea that comes to mind, but it actually works. A lot of teachers have joined such trips for a few weeks and they came back feeling better and more energised to teach again.
You will feel like you are a student again
When you deal with kids every day, you will feel like you are the only adult. You get tired disciplining them and telling them what to do. Once you start travelling, you will feel like you are a kid once again. You will see new places and discover new things. You can try new dishes and even learn foreign languages. This is the type of experience you need if you also want to understand how your students learn and how their skills can be improved.
Give time for yourself
You might be working really hard to the point that you no longer have enough time for yourself. Once you get involved in this type of expedition, you can finally take that much-deserved break. While travelling, you can spend time meditating or reading a book that you have always wanted to finish. You will forget all work-related tasks for a while and you will finally have time to reconnect with yourself. Teaching is fun and exciting, but it can also be draining. Therefore, you need some time to just take a break and do things you don’t often do.
Gain professional experience
You can go to other places to visit tourist destinations and immerse yourself in local cultures. Another option is to train with other institutions. This helps you improve as a teacher as you learn with other teachers. You can also try new things out. When you come back, you will be more confident taking on new challenges as a teacher. Professional development is an important part of teaching. You have to find an opportunity to do it whenever possible.
Just spoil yourself
When you choose to take a break and travel, you can do whatever you want. As a teacher, your bahaviour is controlled. You are afraid that you will be seen as a bad role model for your students. While you are in another place, you have the freedom to do what you want. You can also eat whatever you want to eat. You can spend the night partying if you want to. This is also an important aspect of your life. Don’t get too caught up in work-related tasks as you will end up getting burnt out.
If you are interested in taking this opportunity, check out This is a good chance for you to be a better teacher. Make the most out of it.
8 Things to Be on a Look Out for On College Campuses Nation-Wide
In addition to earning a degree and exploring interests, you should prioritize your safety on a college campus. These are eight things to look out for on college campuses nationwide:
Sexual assault
One of the most common crimes to occur on college campuses at either a party or social gathering is sexual assault. Unfortunately, all genders are susceptible to becoming a victim of it. When attending these events, go with a group of people and never leave your friends’ side. Watch out for each other!
Drugs and alcohol
Drugs and alcohol are easily the most accessible substances found at college, especially at parties. If you are of drinking age, make sure to watch both your alcohol intake and never let your drink out of sight. Some people will take any opportunity to slip something into it and take advantage of you. With regards to drugs, reject them at all times. You do not know where these drugs came from or how they will affect you. Many students are lured into the trap of taking study drugs to help pass a class. Don’t fall for this because they are not worth the risk of addiction, or perhaps worse.
Robbery and theft
Day or night, robbery and theft can occur. Never leave your things unattended even for a split moment, and make sure that all valuables are out of sight in your vehicle. Some college parking lots have no security cameras or police officers present, making it more likely for vehicle theft to occur because there are no witnesses or record of their evidence.
Fire hazards
Most fire hazards that occur on a college campus are from accidents such as plugging in too many appliances at once, smoking indoors, or leaving a candle unattended. If you plan on living on campus, take responsibility by always making sure everything in the kitchen has been turned off or extinguished before leaving the dorm, not overloading your electric outlets with a hundred different circuits simultaneously, and preventing anything you burn from spreading a bigger fire.
Suspicious people
Not everyone in this world is trustworthy. This is not to say that you must avoid every single person that comes your way, but be cautious of every person you meet. Furthermore, avoid people who obviously look like they don’t belong on campus. In that case, call campus security so they can escort that person off the premises.
The wrong crowd
The wrong crowd includes superficial friends and generally immoral people. Don’t associate yourself with these negative individuals: they add unnecessary stress to your life, provoke you to make uncomfortable decisions, and are never reliable or available when you need help. Instead, be mindful of who you choose to keep as your friends and acquaintances. They will be the ones who will undeniably support you, surround you with their positive energy, and encourage you to succeed in college – and in life!
Isolated areas
Never travel to isolated areas, even if they are a shortcut to class. You never know who is lurking or what is happening in these places. Plus, if anything ever happened to you, no one would be aware of it. When traveling around on campus, choose to stay on a path with crowds of people. Crime is less likely to happen when there are multiple witnesses.
Campus alerts and crimes
Sign up for mobile campus alerts or security reports. You should stay in the loop of knowing what crime, suspicious activity, and even construction isc currently going on at your college. By being informed, you may save yourself the trouble of wandering into a hazardous area that can pose a danger to your health and safety. Also, always share your knowledge of current campus alerts with all your friends once informed of any updates.
At the end of the day, what matters most at all times is your safety. College is a huge step forward form high school, thus making it imperative to be responsible for yourself. As long as you stay cautious and alert of your surroundings at all times, you severely reduce the chance of running into trouble.
A guide to international qualifications for college entry
Are your children studying overseas? If so, and if they ultimately want to go on to American colleges or universities, you’ll need to make sure they have the right qualifications to do so. Qualifications gained in foreign countries may not make the grade because there are simply too many different ones for US institutions to be able to judge their value fairly. There are, however, several types of international qualifications designed to help in this situation.
The Scholastic Assessment Test
The Scholastic Assessment Test, better known as the SAT, is required by most colleges. Some international schools offer it as standard and others can arrange it specially, though in some cases you will need to arrange extra tuition to ensure that your child has covered all the relevant material. Taking the SAT makes applying to colleges a lot simpler and a good grade can make a better impression for a foreign student than a domestic one, because colleges are aware that this means other material will have been studied as well.
The Test of English as a foreign language
If your child is not US-born or has been studying for some time in a country where most people don’t speak English, a TOEFL qualification may be helpful to reassure colleges that language won’t present a problem when it comes to study. It isn’t usually a strict requirement however.
The American College Test (ACT)
Although not every college requires it, taking the ACT is a useful way to demonstrate the aptitude and critical thinking expected of students who have had a good American education. It’s a particularly good idea for children to take it if they want to major in a science or engineering subject, as it has a science section not covered by the SAT. Students can register online and it’s available through test centers around the world.
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBD)
A two-year program designed for students aged between 16 and 18, the IBD is the system used by Hong Kong international schools. It’s designed around standards set in Switzerland and is respected by universities all around the world, including in the US. As well as signifying academic ability, it’s designed to show that children have achieved a noteworthy degree of personal development.
The Advanced Placement Program (AP)
Students who are excelling at school and want to give themselves an extra boost when it comes to making college applications might wish to consider the AP program, an opportunity to take university level courses that are recognized by institutions all around the world. Over 1,000 schools participate in the program, however, you should be aware that there are significant differences in how it’s run in China and India.
Getting an internationally recognized qualification doesn’t just help with access to American institutions but gives young people much broader options. It’s seen as an indicator that a student will contribute to the sort of rich life experience every college and university provides. Solid qualifications indicate that students will have a lot to contribute on campus, so they are a great way to improve the chance of admission.
5 Traits of Good Adult Educators
When students decide to go back to school to complete their education, they have certain expectations that educators should meet. These students probably tried school in the past and it did not work for them. One of the many different reasons that might have lead them to quit school in the first place could have been their student-teacher relationship at the time. Here are some of the traits good adult educators should have.
1. Ability to Create a Conducive Atmosphere
Adult classes are usually smaller and instructors often deal with a handful of students. It is, therefore, imperative that the educator is able to create a conducive learning atmosphere that is all-inclusive. In order to achieve this type of atmosphere, the instructor needs to be able to encourage the students to acknowledge other people’s views and learn how to calmly express their own. The educator should also ensure that there is no criticism and bad energy.
2. Good Leadership
A good adult educator must be able to show commendable leadership skills when dealing with students. Great leadership will ensure that there is always order and a sense of self-discipline within the class. The students need to respect both you and your methods for classes to go smoothly.
3. Act as Good Examples
Students often look up to their adult educator as a role model. The instructor should be able to cite real-life examples while making the class a little bit more personal. For example, when an educator brings to light the fact that they had to study at Rutgers Online in order to get an online master of education in adult and continuing education, this could give the students motivation that they too can make it. It also acts as a motivation for them to consider an online MEAD program later in life to help others in their shoes.
4. Reward Promptly
Respect is crucial to adult students and a lot of emphasis must be put on it. Their earlier education experience might have left them feeling ignored or marginalized. Their educators should be able to reward them promptly when they achieve certain goals or perform well. The rewards could be just sincere compliments and doesn’t need to be anything physical; positive reinforcement works.
5. Build Relationships
Students commonly return to school for a more personal experience, something larger than what they experienced before. Adult educators should, therefore, ensure that they build individual relationships between them and every student. The instructors should deal with their issues concerning their education in a different but specific manner for every one of them. Since you’ll have to deal with fewer students, you’ll be able to give them more special attention and cater to their needs.
Adult educators have far greater responsibility than ordinary teachers and they need to be able to cope with it. However, it can be a very rewarding, as you’ll be able to directly affect your students’ lives and see them turn their lives around before your very eyes.