Category Archives: College Life

Comparing College Students to Toddlers

When you see rooms like this Comparing College Students to Toddlers isn't a far fetched idea ... photo by CC user 51035819222@N01 on Flickr

To check out the number of similarities between toddlers and college students, looked into the comparisons between both and you can see from their fun infographic that students are just over grown toddlers when they are in college!


Check out some of the similarities, sound familiar?

  1. Up all night

  2. Sleep all day

  3. Eat weird food

  4. Absentminded

  5. Like being nude

  6. Easily disorientated

  7. Live in chaos

  8. Dubious clothing choices

  9. Poor conversation skills

  10. Sleep anyplace uncomfortable

Mark Pearson from My Voucher Codes talked about the comparisons, he said:

Starting college is an exciting time for many young adults and for most it will be the first time they are away from their parents and essentially fending for themselves. Meeting new people, drinking and staying up all night are rites of passage for many students and something which takes a while to get used to. But their behaviours can be seen to be similar to toddlers. “

He added:

“Incidentally, although many students are prone to making mistakes at this age, many wouldn’t’ change the experience they had at college, even if they probably should have studied harder. For visiting parent’s it could be noted that student digs resembled their children’s bedrooms when they were toddlers; messy and disorganised!”

3 ace ways to break away from your studies

As you study for your degree, has it ever occurred to you that all your effort might just be a tad useless?

No matter what the subject, we all fall into these states of ennui. You hit a wall and can’t ever quite break through again.

3 ace ways to break away from your studies

So what’s the solution? Well, you should always leave your options open.

Don’t fall deep into one subject to never return. Instead, lightly skim a few wildly different options and make yourself a Jack of all trades.

But how can you find a few new hobbies? Here’s a few ways we’ve uncovered.

Beauty, of course

The beauty industry rakes in hundreds of billions of pounds every year – and it doesn’t seem like it’s going to falter any time soon.

If that sounds like a slice of cake you want a bite from, why not grab a few beauty qualifications along with your highfalutin degree.

Dermal filler courses, for instance, can get you a place in any beauty salon and help you key into a trend that’s gaining more traction every day.

Moreover, if you’re pursuing a business-based degree of some sort, the lucrative beauty game will give you the chance to manage an enterprise almost guaranteed to strike success.

High society

Societies are the lifeblood of the student with plenty of time to fill. And they could even help scratch the itch when you’re feeling tired of your course.

They don’t come in one homogenous package, either. Depending on the management style and general focus of a group, two sports societies could provide entirely different experiences.

When people say they attend university to “find themselves”, it’s rarely their actual course that helps them out. Instead, it’s the societies and the people they meet within them. Unlike the admin heavy world of uni, societies are more free-wheeling.

Dip in and out of societies until you find one that really grabs you. Like a tentacle from a b-movie monster, you’ll be sucked into your hobby – and you might never want to leave its warm embrace.

Outside campus walls

Some students outright refuse to leave their university campus. Whether they’re in student apartments that resemble matchboxes or campuses like metropolises, those averse to risk won’t want the opportunity to explore a new location.

Don’t be one of those dullards. The city is there for you to use. It’s brimming with volunteering opportunities, job vacancies and social events that your university would never bother to host.

It’s a world away from the standard 18-24 experience offered by most campuses. So strike out on your own for a while and use the city to its fullest.

Textbooks, Computers, and a Tea Pot: Essential Gear of the Successful College Student

This room is filled with the essential gear of the successful college student ... photo by CC user KateSpan on wikimedia

You’re going to college soon – you need to start making a checklist. Aside from the usual costs like tuition and food, you’re going to need a few other supplies. Before you say goodbye to mom and dad for the semester, here’s what to stock up on.

A Good Laptop

A good laptop is absolutely essential for today’s college student. In fact, it’s probably the most important thing you can take with you. Don’t leave home without something at least as good as a mid-tier product either. No Acers. Can’t use ‘em. OK, you could use them, but don’t. Get yourself a Macbook Air, at least. Or, get yourself the top-tier Dell model. Lenovo are also a good choice as long as you’re going for the top-tier – again. Yes, they’re a bit pricey, but you’ll thank yourself three years from now when your laptop isn’t falling apart and the software still runs smoothly.

P2P File Sharing Software

It seems like every college kid these days is doing some kind of P2P file sharing. And, while you should not be breaking the law by downloading and sharing copyright-protected content without the authorization of the copyright holders, there is a legit use for file sharing software that’s wickedly underutilized: sharing original creations you make in college and sharing your study papers with classmates.

Simple P2P software, like the bittorrent client from, is really all you need to connect directly with other classmates to share pretty much anything you’ve done in class – from study notes to past homework assignments as study aides.

Free Word Processing Tools

Who wants to pay for Microsoft Word when OpenOffice suite is free? Better yet, LibreOffice. It’s got all of the tools you could ever want from the paid programs at a price you can’t argue with – even with the student discount offered from the competitor.

Used Books

No one likes paying retail for books. So, before you go off to college, verify your class schedule and then pick up some used textbooks from someplace like AbeBooks,’s used textbook section, or

A Teapot

A teapot. Yes, a teapot. You need to eat, right? Between 4 hour study sessions, a teapot can heat up the boiling water you need for Ramen – every college student’s staple food.

Food Rations

You can’t live on college food and Ramen Noodle alone. They may be high in calories, but they’re really low in nutrition. It’s weird, but while students are getting your learn on, they’re also wrecking their health.

Your number one priority in college is to get a good education. To do that, you need to be healthy. You must get in all of your required fruits and vegetables, lots of good quality meat, and of course, fiber. Food rations can help you do that – nuts and seeds, dried beef jerky (not the kind with preservatives and artificial flavors. It’s actually really easy to make at home with a cheap food dehydrator and some beef and salt), and dried fruit like apricots, plums, and raisins.

Audrey Brown is a college dorm guru. As a resident director for many years, she loves blogging about the ins and outs of creating a great college dorm experience from decor and organization tricks to gadgets and study habits.

5 Tips for Growing Your Own Bud

By following these tips for growing your own bud, you'll have a mini-cannabis plantation on your hands in no time ... photo by CC user A7nubis on wikimedia does not support any illicit activities and does not support the use of drugs.

Unsatisfied with the herb that you’ve been getting from your usual sources? Maybe it’s time you tried to grow your own strain. Follow these tips for growing your own bud, and you’ll have an endless supply of your own herbs that will take you to another plane of consciousness, and quite possibly win you new friends

1) Read a ton of books on how to grow marijuana before planting your first seed

Growing marijuana isn’t as simple as sticking some seeds in some topsoil, watering it everyday, and waiting 70 days to get some world class weed. There is a lot of nuanced steps required that if taken, will make your crop stand head and shoulders the garden variety grass grown by local amateurs. Scour the web, order books from respected authorities in the field, and begin your education. Class is in session.

2) Seek out your first seeds from a reputable seed bank

While you might be tempted to use seeds from bud that you bought from your friendly neighborhood dispensary or dealer, more often than not, these strains tend to be underwhelming, especially when re-grown. By ordering top quality seeds from industry leading providers, you’ll be ensuring that your batch of green is top-notch from the get go.

3) Use coconut soil instead of peat moss to grow your seeds

A common mistake by amateurs is that they use peat moss to grow their dope. This is bad because the properties of this type of top soil makes it more likely that you’ll suffer root diseases due to the density of peat moss when it gets wet. Coconut shell soil is spongier, allowing the roots room to breathe after being watered.

4) Regulate your humidity and heat levels properly at different points in the growing process

Of all the issues facing marijuana growers, maintaining the right balance of humidity and room temperature is the most vital step in turning a batch of seeds into a bumper crop. While the most particular growers call for changing conditions in different growth phases, maintaining your nursery’s room temperature between 75 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit and its relative humdity at around 45 to 50% will produce the best quality marijuana.

5) Cut, dry, and cure your crop at the 70 day mark

After 70 days of growth, your dope flowers should be ready for harvesting. Hang them upside down until dry, then cure them for at least two weeks…


… and there you have it! With these tips, as well as a few other pointers here (, you’ll have a wonderfully chronic smelling plantation in no time flat. Good luck in your dope growing endeavors!


Save Space in your Dorm By Using Actuators!

Raising Furniture above the Room

Creating of space in the dormitory has been a challenge for most students often used to their big rooms back at home. The available space to be utilized by each student is always limited. Actuators are developed to solve these problems. They eliminate the manual movement of desks and chairs in the room, bedding, lockers, shelves and the kitchenette within the room. Space is also very essential to the dormitory as the activity of a full house take place within a single room comprising of more than one individual. Therefore, there is a need to move the furniture or raise them above the room to create more space for different activities. Automated actuators make the movement effortless and unproblematic.

Convertible Furniture    

Actuators have ensured a space saving furniture that is invented to satisfy the needs of students in the dormitories. The design of convertible hidden wall beds made possible by linear actuators that ensure a space saving hideaway that tuck into the wall. The tucking leaves behind simple shelves or desks that allow the students to enjoy their study comfortably.  Actuators can be attached to the desks allowing their movement from one place in the dorm to the other, the beds than can be folded back into position when it’s time to rest. Other beds can easily be converted to a desk and used for studies.

Raised dormitory bed to create space for learning Raised dormitory bed to create space for learning


The kitchenette

According to progressive automations linear actuators service, the kitchenette can be automated by actuators to be raised and lowered according to the will. The automated kitchen cabinet can be raised above the room to create room for other functions such as washing dishes.  The cabinets where foods and utensils are stored and the tables used for cooking within the dormitories can be stored safely in the command of a remote control. The kitchen cabinet, therefore, provides the advantage for people with different heights or the disabled to be able to cook and still retract the kitchen for other functions easily.
actuator that can be used to raise kitchen cabinets

Kitchen cabinet that can be raised above the ground using attached actuator